Thursday, May 28, 2009

The End

Due to massively failing eyesight I am unfortunately no longer able to update this blog. I hope you have all enjoyed the videos. And a big thank you to all the beautiful ladies who make sight worth having. Never take it for granted, guys.


  1. thats too bad, Your blog was really nice, great quality videos

  2. Sorry to hear that, I hope you get better, take care my friend!!

  3. Jeese, gotta say I really appreciated your work here man. I hope you recover (if that's a possiblilty), but either way, thanks for all the vids man, and good luck to ya.

  4. Hope things get better for you and stay strong. Thaks for all your hard work and dedication as well. Best of luck in the future.

  5. Very sorry to hear the news, good luck for the future

  6. i'd post similar well-wishes, but I wonder if you'd be able to see them.

  7. Thanks for the nice words guys. I can still read them, at least for now. It's unlikely that my condition will improve much. But I just hope I won't end up completely blind.
    Take care y'all

  8. Can I ask what is wrong with your eyes? what condtion do you have? I hope you dont end up Blind.

  9. Well mainly diabetes has messed my eyes up. I thought I had amd as well, but turns out I don't. I was at the hospital today and it turns out that there is a chance I could get better. I will be having multiple eye surgeries. It might improve my eyesight again, or at least stop it getting worse. So cross your fingers for me.

  10. Thanks for all the great clips and good luck with the surgery!

  11. Hope you get better man, good luck with the surgery!

  12. A big thanks for all the clips Plume - I do hope your health has improved or at the very least not worsened. Season's greetings.

  13. Get better, lad! We have you in our thoughts.

  14. ohh

    ok can u give us some links of blogs do like your blog


  15. Hope everyone got through the holidays safely..
    personally my situation isn't so good. I am blind on the right eye and partially blind on the left. I have to use a cane when walking around on my own and use specialised settings to even be able to use my computer for basic stuff. But I am still in treatment, plenty of hospital visits. And at least I'm not completely blind.
    For other blogs like mind, I can only suggest deepatsea: http;//
    He does at lot of the same stuff I used to do.
    Take care all


  16. That's very bad news about your eyesight Plume, not the news we wanted to hear! Life must be very difficult for you - I do hope that the medical staff can improve your condition soon. I'm sure that all of us who only know you through your great work here will be wishing the same. All the best mate.

  17. Damn man... hope you get better. Thanks for all your hard work that you have done for us.

  18. Dealing with your own issues and still helping us out, thanks a lot man, and i agree, deepatsea is also a good site, but i'll still miss your updates, Plume.

    Here's Deep's blog for those interested:

    Wish you all the luck in the world, Plume, hope things get better and not worse.


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